BDC Boxing and MMA - Sponsorship offers | Sponsoo

BDC Boxing and MMA

 Liverpool Boxing, Martial Arts
  • Perimeter banner or pop up banner in venue.

    The production costs are included in the price.

    price breakdown

    • One time payment of 200£0

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Stadium banners

  • You will receive advertisement from all fighters and staff involved via logo on posters, fight announcements, pop up banners at press conferences, pop up banners at interviews, logo on staff t-shirts at event, banner at event, logo on fight schedule handed out at event, logo or website on wristbands at event, fight videos shared on social media and YouTube.

    In addition a VIP table for up to 10 guests at the event worth £300 with table service.

    price breakdown

    • One time payment of 2,000£0

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Main sponsor

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