I have been studying Karate for about 14 months. I will be going up for my purple belt within probably another month. I have started competing in some pretty big tournaments. I have competed twice in the US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation Championships with a third place and fourth place finish in point sparring. I competed at the EMAC Tennessee State Championships last year. I was runner-up in point sparring and crowned State Champion in Forms. I have recently competed in the Louisville Championships which was also a qualifier for the Elite World Championships in Orlando, Florida. I finished second in both Forms and Point sparring and qualified for the World Championships later this year. I finished 2021 ranked #4 in EMAC for Point Sparring and Ranked #2 in EMAC for Forms. With the success I have already achieved in martial arts I think it would be beneficial for any business to partner with me. I would like the opportunity to increase the number of competitions I attend and through sponsorship I would be able to do so.