Latin American Esports Team that focuses on competing at a professional level and aims to create the best esports content for our fans.
We aim to build the perfect ecosystem that connects
- Developers / Publishers
- Brands / Institutions
- Players / Streamers
- Fans
Reach / Links
Key figures for sponsors
Janus LLC is a great investment, here are some of the reasons why:
- Esports team ranked within best 20 of Latin America.
- Gaming house where we create content from
- 50+ members / Coaches, Analysts, CMs, Managers, Players, Streamers
- We already work with some of the best positioned brands in the continent.
- Over 5 Million Reach in socials, tv, ads, streaming services, partnerships.
- Access to TV through Claro TV (Central America and Caribbean) / Ads playing on ESPN, FOX Sports, History Channel, Discovery Channel / Interviews played on Claro Sports / This are some of the ads running at the moment: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OusNPfp_h73E_Pz0afd4LgWNwbyP5we4?usp=sharing
- Janus partnered with North American Collegiate League. Transmitted through ReachTV, HuaoMao, iSunTV.
- Janus partnered with ChallengerMode, one of the biggest esports platforms in the world.
- Our social media has focused on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Youtube. Next year the team is aiming towards Spotify Podcasts as well.
- Members of LVP (Professional Videogames League)