▪ Sponsor mention in all media related events - press conferences, round tables, interviews and all press releases syndicated across the globe by Digitalprwire ▪ Integration of your brand initiatives into all aspects of Team Naija/NSSA online Related Events On NSSA channel on Youtube with a total advertising value of circa Seven Million Naira ▪ Logo and Link on our website and on our Facebook page ▪ Local and international media exposure through various communication channels
price breakdown
• One time payment of 500€0
Contract period
Contract start dateFrom contract signatureContract end dateIndefinite
▪ Sponsor mention in al lmedia related events - press conferences, round tables, interviews and all press releases syndicated across the globe by Digitalprwire ▪ Integration of your brand initiatives into all aspects of Team Naija/NSSA online Related Events On NSSA channel on Youtube with a total advertising value of circa Seven Million Naira ▪ Logo and Link on our website and on our Facebook page ▪ Local and international media exposure through various communication channels
price breakdown
• One time payment of 900€0
Contract period
Contract start dateFrom contract signatureContract end dateIndefinite
▪ Sponsor mention in all media related events- press conferences, round tables, interviews and all press releases syndicated across the globe by Digitalprwire ▪ Integration of your brand initiatives into all aspects of Team Naija/NSSA online Related Events On NSSA channel on Youtub ewith a total advertising value of circa Seven Million Naira ▪ Sponsor to enjoy full branding rights on the NSSA online media crew covering the Championships and to all venues of Team Naija activities ▪ Logo and Link on our website and on our Facebook page ▪ Local and international media exposure through various communication channels
price breakdown
• One time payment of 5,500€0
Contract period
Contract start dateFrom contract signatureContract end dateIndefinite
▪ Sponsor mention in all media related events-press conferences, roundtables, interviews and all press release ssyndicated across the globe by Digitalprwire ▪ Integratio nof your brand initiatives into all aspects of TeamNaija/NSSA online Related Events including the following: ➢ On NSSA channel on Youtube with a total advertising value of circa Seven Million Naira ➢ Banner Placements on NSSA Website, YouTube and other SocialMedia Platforms, all worth overN2.5million naira ▪ Sponsor to enjoy branding rights on the NSSA online media crew covering the Championships and to all venues of Team Naija activities ▪ Logo and Link on our website and on our Facebook page ▪ Local and international media exposure through various communication channels
price breakdown
• One time payment of 6,000€0
Contract period
Contract start dateFrom contract signatureContract end dateIndefinite
▪ Sponsormention in allmedia relatedevents- press conferences, round tables, interviews and all press releases syndicated across the globe byDigitalprwire ▪ Integration of your brand initiatives into all aspects of TeamNaija/NSSA online Related Events including the following: ➢ OnNSSA channel on Youtubewith a total advertising value of circa SevenMillionNaira ➢ BannerPlacements onNSSA Website, YouTube and other SocialMedia Platforms,all worth overN3.5million naira ▪ Sponsorto enjoy full branding rights on theNSSAonline media crew covering the Championships and to all venues of Team Naija activities ▪ Logo and Link on our website and on our Facebook page ▪ Local and international media exposure through various communication channels
price breakdown
• One time payment of 10,000€0
Contract period
Contract start dateFrom contract signatureContract end dateIndefinite
▪ Prime sponsor mention in all media related events - press conferences, round tables, interviews and all press releases syndicated across the globe by Digitalprwire ▪ Integration of your brand initiatives into all aspects of Team Naija/NSSA online Related Events including the following: ➢ On NSSA channel on Youtube with a total advertising value of circa Seven Million Naira ➢ Banner Placements on NSSA Website, YouTube and other Social Media Platforms, all worth over N3.5million naira ▪ Sponsor to enjoy full branding rights on the NSSA online media crew covering the Championships and to all venues of Team Naija activities ▪ Logo and Link on our website and on our Facebook page ▪ Exclusive Company Logo/Name on Jersey ▪ Local and international media exposure through various communication channels
price breakdown
• One time payment of 15,000€0
Contract period
Contract start dateFrom contract signatureContract end dateIndefinite