Schnellste Geschäftsentwicklung aller deutschen eSport-Marken in 2016. Deutschlands Top5 in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
// Panthers Gaming
/ German eSports organisation founded in 2014
/ One of the best German eSports brands
/ Fastest business development of all German eSport brands in 2016
/ Incredible experience and eSports expertise
/ Most innovative gaming brand in Germany
// Why Panthers Gaming?
/ Perfect placement on the German market
/ German and international fans
/ Panthers as a lifestyle brand
/ eSport athlets are wide reaching influencer for YOUR brand
/ Incredible experience and eSport expertise
Reach / Links
Key figures for sponsors
- 9.700 Likes auf Facebook
- 8.000 - 70.000 Reichweite pro Post
- durchschnittliche wöchentliche Reichweite von 56.000
- ~1.280.000 Impressionen 2016
- 1.150 Follower
- ~22.000 Tweet Impressionen pro Monat
- ~191.300 Impressionen 2016
- ~60.000 Follower
- ~120.000 Minuten gesehen in 2016 tendenz steigend für 2017